
In accordance with your technical and artistic specifications, Time-Line Factory will take care of every step of your DVD (or Blu-ray) project, before delivering it to a pressing facility.



From encoding to creating the interface, Time-Line Factory will assist you in your DVD or Blu-Ray creation:  graphical map creation, graphic design… We guide and advise our customers according to their needs in order to find the solutions that will best fit their budget and their target audience.

We will adjust our work process to your project’s concept and to your guidelines.

– Graphic design of menus, buttons, and background video sequences
– Creation of motion or static menus and submenus
– We will adapt the project in accordance with the number of discs
– Re-encoding of video and audio material and of subtitles according to the medium’s standards
– DLT testing and creation

Important note: we cannot take care of master replication nor pressing.

Feel free to contact us for any further information.